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From looking afar, Nereus is a very quiet cub that keeps to himself. He is never one to introduce himself first. Whether he is shy or he just doesn't care to introduce himself can't be known at this level of stranger-ship. He will always go about his own way, and it is clear he is a really independent cub. He needs no caretaker, despite the fact he has one and he makes it evident. Any lion who doesn't know him knows that he is always up to something and the lions are usually skeptical of what that is.

From an acquaintance level relationship, the lion who is acquainted with Nereus will know that they had to introduce themselves because Nereus never would have. Although they still might not know why he hasn't introduced himself. At this level of relationship, lions might see how hard it is to gain Nereus's trust. They won't know much more than a stranger will about Nereus except that they might see his brilliance and his curiosity.

At a friendship level of relationship, friends will know that Nereus is not really a compassionate type nor a talkative type. Although he used to be alone always, Nereus has finally opened up to the Pride some and doesn't mind some of the lions there, and doesn't mind the many friends he has somehow made. Friends of Nereus know that he is super stubborn, and getting Nereus to do anything he doesn't want to is next to impossible. Convincing him isn't some easy task. Friends know that he is always doing something to satisfy his curiosity. Exactly what? They aren't actually sure. His secretiveness prevents them from knowing, and he is always careful about it.

Depending on the relationship, a best friend of Nereus will know what he's up to. Best friends have gained most of the trust of Nereus. They know fully of his brilliance and stubbornness and know better than trying to get him to do something he doesn't want to. Best friends will know of his determined mind, he never fails to do something he has set his mind to. They also know how impressionable he is. They know of his objective nature.

Looking at Nereus without any relationship lenses, Nereus is always looking around at other lions, observing how they act, which can determine his own behavior. He is an extremely impressionable cub. He is on the edge between good and evil and is trying to find his way and place in his world. He appears to be extremely helpful and good, but on the inside, he has a lot of darkness with evil and selfish intentions. At his age, he's not sure which side to choose and wavers between them. He is always skeptical of the lions that surround him, especially considering these are the descendants of the lions who threw him and his family into the Lake.  In his free time, Nereus, often using black holes to do so, travels to escape the presence of these lions as well as seeking for more opportunities to explore the areas of the unknown. Despite the fact that he knows he shouldn't be traveling by the orders of his new Pride, he keeps it all secret. Often he will become angry when thinking about what the Pride did to his family, and he'll often have to take breaks from them. It's hard to gain his trust because of what he has gone through and he is afraid someone will rat him out. His intelligence comes from experience and surviving his own adventures.


Nereus, when he first came out of the lake, was always alone and trusted no one. Now, he has finally come around and has began to trust the Pride more. He has made a lot of friends since somehow (I'm not sure how), and has finally decided that the Pride is indeed his home. His loyalties belong to the Pride after all, and the goodness in his heart is overcoming the darkness, although some of it still lies there. His disregard of Pride rules still stands.


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