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                                        "A lion with the gift of dreams can: diffuse nightmares, calm others while they sleep through pleasant 

                                         images, inflict nightmares, trap others in a dream state, influence thought while a subject is dreaming."




  • Influence:  Influencing a lion's (or other living thing's) dreams is one of Iokaste's many abilities, although this is the easiest and least complex. Through this ability, she is able to change dreams into something soothing or something frightening.

  • Dream walking: When in a dream state herself, she can easily manipulate her own dreams to go or do as she pleases. However, from this, she is also able to visit other living thing's dreams and change and manipulate them as well to her own fitting.

  • Nightmare Grip: This is one of Iokaste's most important abilities as it allows her to create a dream state which entangles her foe. The foe will still be awake, but instead of seeing reality, they will instead experience a dream or rather nightmare-scape. It is hard to escape from and can cause enemies to stumble around confused or even turn against their allies (if they see their allies as foes now)

  • Nightmare Affliction: This is Iokaste's most powerful ability, and, as a result, drains her the fastest. When a foe is either in a dream state or is actually dreaming, Iokaste is able to turn the nightmare into something much more real and tangible. While trapped in the nightmare (unless they should awake or snap out of it), physical pain and damage will scar the foe. If used long enough and well enough, the victim can even die.

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