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Eager • Energetic • Curious


         Excited about even the smallest things in his life, such as training or playtime, Othin has a natural curiosity for everything, including the Oasis, the council members, other lions and different elements! It's common to see Othin talking to different lions, trying to gather whatever information he can. He'll also often sit and watch other lions train and use their elements. However, Othin is especially intrigued by the world outside the Oasis. He has heard only a few stories of the world outside and he is determined to learn all about it while he has the chance to. When his curiosity hasn't been satisfied for the day, it is super common to see the cub transferring his immeasurable amount of energy perfecting his flying and his elemental techniques if he isn't already playing with his siblings or bothering his family. The cub is always practicing his elemental abilities trying to learn how he can better himself or combine his abilities to learn new moves. He does this a lot with his siblings as well and is sure to observe them to see what he can gain while they test out their moves. The little cub seems to never be able to run out of energy, whether it is practicing or playing.


Good-natured • Well-mannered (Usually)


          As this is no surprise as he has been disciplined well from his dad, Othin is generally a well-mannered and well-behaved cub, especially in front of lions he doesn't know. He'll try to sit and listen, be courteous, and try to use his 'pleases' and 'thank yous' often. Othin is aware of his dad's reputation and tries his best not to disappoint him. Although disciplined, Othin is good-natured at heart and wants the best for those he knows and loves, which is the real cause for his good behavior. For this reason, Othin generally tries to obey his parents and do the right thing, or at least what he thinks is the right thing to do. Othin's manners, however, slip up often when he becomes too excited or when he begins to talk too much. The little cub will excitedly begin to chat about anything he can if invited into the conversation. Once he starts, it's hard to stop him unless he is interrupted or shut down, usually by his parents. It's something the cub is still working on.


Talkative • Rambler • Boisterous • Inquisitive


          When Othin gets excited, he tends to get chatty, and if given the chance to anyone who lets him, he will talk their ears off. Anything that comes to his mind will be said in the moment of excitement. Once he begins, there is little someone can do to get the cub to quit talking (unless that someone is one of his parents!) He will talk about his elemental powers, his adventures, his siblings and playing with them, anything that is his favorite, etc. Anything that can be talked about will be talked about! He gets incredibly wordy and his vocabulary, although still lacking, is getting better and better. When Othin isn't boisterous though, he generally has nice social manners and is respectful otherwise, although he does focus a lot of energy into asking questions as a need to fulfill his curious desires.


Courageous • Spontaneous • Venturesome

          Othin is a bold little cub and will do anything risky or adventurous- so long as it wouldn't disappoint his father or ruin his reputation purposely. He courageously accepts to do almost any challenge or embark on any adventure that lies in wait for him. His spontaneity gives him ideas and quests for the little cub to take on. His adventures are a great outlet for his excessive energy and is great for his parents so they aren't forced with entertaining the cub. Of course, the cub tries his best to respect his parent's boundaries and requests, although he often forgets when he gets too carried away. If he can though, Othin loves to bring his siblings along with him. His imagination soars wild as he plays around in the Oasis. His favorite is pretending to be some strange flying animal as he attacks his siblings.


Compulsive • Idealistic • Rash • Naive

          Othin has only the best intentions and wouldn't purposely upset anyone if he could help it, however, his rash and compulsive decisions usually create a lot of trouble for the little cub. Because of his idealistic thoughts and views, Othin tries to take on a lot of responsibilities and try to fix things for everyone. A lot of this comes from seeing issues in the future with his Psychic abilities. He knows when trouble is nearing and so he'll jump to the front of it to try his best to rid the problems. He means well, but he has a knack for getting himself (or his family) into trouble because of it. In the end, Othin just wants everything to be perfect and for all of their situations to work out well, which doesn't usually happen because of him.


Concealing • Emotionally Strong • Bears Grudges

          Despite Othin's reputation for being always happy, bouncy, playful, and curious, like everyone else, Othin gets his moods, and these moods can hit Othin hard. But because of his nature, Othin naturally conceals his concerns, worries, frustration, anger, and even sadness with his bouncy behavior. In a sense, he's a fantastic actor, but he feels the need to "stay strong" for his brother, sisters, and parents because he doesn't want to burden them (or anyone else) with his emotions. It takes an unusually observant lion to spot when Othin is truly upset, such as his brother. Othin doesn't seem like the type, but the little cub is great at bearing grudges against other lions. It's common for a lion to dismiss Othin and his many questions, and if done so rudely, the cub will not forget. If a lion has wronged him or his family or friends, he will not forget. Othin tries to avoid all the lions he has grudges against, and if they attempt to talk to him, Othin will, depending upon the severity of the grudge, continue with polite small talk or he'll flat out ignore the lion. (That's the easiest way to tell if Othin is upset.) Otherwise, Othin keeps his emotions concealed and locked away until he can't any longer.


All Grown Up:

          As a grown lion, Othin continues to satisfy his curiosity whenever possible, although he is much more respectful about how he gains his information. Othin has learned to hold his tongue to allow for much more peaceful, civilized conversations, and, with his father's help, Othin has nearly perfected his manners. Of course, he still has many, many questions, but he has learned that not every question was meant to be asked and some questions are left better to wonder about. His eyes have been more opened to the ways of lions around the world and he is far less skeptical than he was a cub, although, Othin still loves creating theories and asking the "why" questions behind lions' actions. Othin is an easily-excitable lion and any idea of adventure still lights up his eyes and creates the similar giddiness he experienced as a cub. As an adult, the male, although still talented at concealing his emotions most of the time, goes through many more periods where all of Othin's emotions come flooding out at once. This isn't a common happening by any means and usually, happens in private. Othin's grudges also have gotten far worse as an adult, though it takes a lot more for Othin to hold grudges against lions now. Despite these flaws, Othin has become a great lion. He still holds to his good moral compass and his idealism. He has learned more about heroism and has learned how to be helpful with his abilities, rather than destroying his opportunities as he did when he was a cub.


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